


Psychopathology and Demonology

Presented by Suzette- “The Marriage Warrior”


The subject of psychopathology and demonology has rarely been addressed in our culture and as a result, Christian marriages and families continue to be tormented and divided.  Christians find themselves in a dilemma, as the current cultural climate of “the church” continues to concentrate on church growth, political correctness and personal agendas, rather than adhering to the foundational responsibilities set forth by Christ.  In neglecting the foundational biblical principles, we lack the spiritual discernment required for the subtle demonic existence found in psychopathology.  Rather than deeply studying the functioning of the human to address the destructive tactics of the enemy, church leaders are punting their “tithing” members to the secular world of psychology and the family court system.  As a result, the divorce rate in the church is just as high as in the world, and our social culture disintegrates the core of the church, as the family is destroyed.


Psychology founders are professed agnostic and anti-Christ human researchers, although they have contributed valuable study of the human condition, their root belief systems cannot be denied.  As Christian counselors emerged, it became a resource for the clergy to hand the “marriage referee” role to professional counselors.  However, the clergy has been gravely misinformed and even deceived into believing that Christian professionals in the field would address the demonic spirits residing within the individual.  In fact, the state licensing qualifications mandate that ALL professionals in the field are required to operate from the principal beliefs of their choice of a non-Christian theorist.  There are no psychological theorist, education or instruments that equip professionals to deal with the demonic in the field of psychology.  Just as the Johnson amendment has muted the 501(c)(3), church affiliates has the secular licensing board mute the Christian counselors. 


However, this responsibility cannot be solely placed on the shoulders of the secular boards because this obligation is one of the clergy.  Perhaps this phenomena is because there is a lack of education concerning how the demonic dangerously operates within personality disorders.  Nevertheless, church leaders have leaned on psychology to stamp a label upon individuals and utilize the court system to solve the rising issues, rather than assisting in the real healing necessary.


Some Axis II disorders are so deeply imbedded within the individual, healing results are far reaching.  However, most symptomatic individuals can be healed when faced with a clergy member who can discern the symptoms and follow the patterns of Jesus to address the issues, rather than falling prey to manipulative spirits.  Keep in mind that the individual who operates in such passive-control mechanisms need healing within a core wound place.  The symptoms serve as protecting the need for validation.  This need is so prominent that the individual will manipulate, triangulate and victimize in order to gain the approval and acceptance of themselves.  The core pain is so vast that empathy towards the innocent victims is absent because the internal need is far greater than those being harmed.  If the symptoms that guard and protect the wounded soul are unrecognized, the identified patient will continue to collect validators who will equip them to remain dangerous to their targeted victims.    


To heal the individual psychologically, emotionally and spiritually, each entity has to be properly divided and addressed.  Hebrew 4:12 tells us that “The word is sharper than a two-edged sword, rightly dividing the bone from the marrow.”   The word tells us the truth regarding symptoms. The center of the operating system of a victimizer is deception.  Victimizers are found within those suffering with alcohol/drug/sex abuse, borderline personality disorder, co-dependency, people-pleasing and narcissism, just to name a few.  The psychology protocols are missioned to collect data of symptoms and label the findings.  Their best treatment efforts often times fall short because the spiritual roots of deception are not properly addressed in the way Jesus instructed us to deal with demonic forces.  As a result, many Christians find themselves repeating treatment programs, or at best, quietly suffering without the “fix” of their chosen substance, without being healed.


Other than new-age approaches, psychology does not address the spiritual.  However, in defense of the secular programming, this was not their intended purpose, but rather the clergy positioning.  Because the resistance within Axis II disorders is common, assisting suffering individuals is not for the faint hearted.  Unfortunately, the “grace church models” are triangulated into the deception and manipulation of the victimizer’s operating systems and coping mechanisms, furthering the patient’s self-validation agenda.  At the hands of this ultimate destruction is the identified patient, the spouse, the holy union of marriage and worst of all, the children’s present and future well-being.


There are certain instances, in which, an individual is classified as a true abuser. However, the abuse and control terminology has been extremely over-embellished for the purposes of victimizers.  Victimizers do not operate with self-reflection or ownership and they lack empathy for their targets.  They are known to project blame and create chaos, requiring rescuers. Unfortunately, the family court system enables women victimizers, in particular, as the family court system supports the mother/child bond, even if the history of the bond is toxic.  Prior to court proceedings, mother victimizers will lack signs of healthy parenting, emotional presence and child boundaries.  Instead, natural mothering instincts are replaced with emotional absence and/or volatility. 


To prepare for legal proceedings, the victimizing mother will use humility to gather validators to commemorate her claims of spousal abuse.  Triangulated validators will include teachers, pastors, counselors, family members and law enforcement, who hear a common theme that publicly opposes the father in order for the mother to gain custody inclusion.  The victimizers’ focused declarations are “for the well-being of the children”.  However, false humility and narratives radically change when the adversarial attorney, the ultimate validator, is positioned.  The humbled mask is traded for a display of vengeance, accusation, ridicule and spousal sabotage. 


Often times, the hate agendas will amplify as she provokes additional false allegation of abuse, restraining orders, unexpected OCS visits…all against him. The father, who was once known as a decent man of good reputation, will suddenly need to defend himself against outrageous allegations and a pseudo-legal record that he never saw coming.  Simultaneously, the once emotional absent or volatile mother will aggressively battle for primary child custody, with the knowledge that increased custody awards are directly connected to child-support allowances. Meanwhile, it is the children who suffer at the hands of such destructive circumstances. Those who operate in such militia are symptomatic of a disorder called Psychological Munchausen’s by Proxy syndrome, better known as Factitious Disorder.


Across the nation, men groups have been formed with fathers who have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting against a system that has hand-cuffed their father rights and miserably failed their children. However, it is the church leaders who must make a stand to take their God-given responsibility of church families and make the tough decisions required to address victimizing behaviors in an effort to assist in family recovery.


Marriage Alignment


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