Invest in Yourself, Invest in your Relationship, & Invest in your Organization With MWI, The Marriage Warrior Institute

The US divorce rate is the third-highest in the world?

41% of first marriages end in divorce.

The average cost for attorney fees: $11,300

The average total cost for divorce is: $12,900

Top Leading Causes of Divorce:

75% Lack of Commitment

59.6% Infidelity

57.5% Too much conflict or arguing

36.1% Financial Problems

Don’t let this be your marriage, Start the work now!

Did you know?

Who’s it for?

  • Curriculum for Training For Aspiring Life Coaches

  • Curriculum for Couple Reconstruction

  • Martial Structure with Tools

  • Curriculum for Individual Growth

  • Curriculum for religious and business organizations to expand services by establishing an on-site “Wellness Care Center” within the infrastructure.

Finding which program works best for you

Individuals training course:

  • How do I get to know how the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and relational parts of myself can function properly together?

  • How do I identify and heal unhealthy coping mechanisms and  inner wounds? 

  • How to better understand, heal and take care of my full self and my relationships? 

Couples Training Course:

  • Communication barriers and toxic patterns of action and reaction cycles.

  • The simplification of the one flesh entity to create marital realignment, functionality and unity. 

  • Disorganized martial structures and detachment from love and marriage commitments. 

Life Coaches & Clergy Training Course:

  • Utilizing my journey of healing to effectively lead or walk beside others through their journey of healing. 

  • Acquiring knowledge and equipping myself with tools to effectively educate and assist others to restore inwardly and within relationships. 

  • The clergy is overloaded with time restraints and obligations the impede their ability to effectively confront deep marital issues within their organization.

  • How to offer effective on-site marriage crisis services within the constructs of the organization. 

What the Webinar will cover

training programs for individuals, couples, aspiring mentors, and leadership organizations.

The outcomes for each program and how it will relate to you.

how your puzzle pieces fit after the program.

The organization for each program, from Exercises, booklets, modules and video series.

“The Things I have learned about myself as well as my wife, during our time are Immeasurable”

“Suzette has my total appreciation and respect, and I can't imagine a more effective counseling experience anywhere. I highly recommend her to any couple in need."

Suzette - The Marriage Warrior

Your coach, trained in Marriage and Family Therapist, I have specialized in healing marriages in crisis for close to 2 decades now. I have served in a prophetic healing ministry for even longer than that. and founder/CEO of Couples Care Center and the Scripted Journey.


What separates this program from traditional therapy?

Rather than psychological labels, such as addiction, codependency, trauma, depression, anxiety, etc., this program educates participants in understanding how surface issues mechanically operate, within the internal structure of individuals, as well as relationship dynamics.

Can I do this without my partner?

Knowing and healing “self” is part of the spiritual growth process required in human experience. However, because God uses relationships as a reflection tool of self, the couple participation produces favorable results.

What if I do this program and my relationship still fails?

Relationships require two partner’s willingness to grow together. One person cannot control another’s will. Because life has seasons for certain relationships within our journey, even a lost relationship teaches us about self. Therefore, self growth is eminent no matter the relational outcome.

How does this program relate to my faith?

No matter the religious background, we are all created by one single God; “made in His image and His likeness”. Therefore, the spiritual coding, within us all is the same, no matter our religious experiences. Ultimately, when we’re able to decode and rescript the negative events in our life that projected us away from our core, we will be able to recenter ourselves in the way God originated for us to operate.

Marriage Warrior Institute Online Training

Starting at $1,500



MWI Administration: Bethany Bowen



(225) 975-1391