Specializing in life coach training,

Couple’s Master Classes & Individual Courses

Meet Suzette, Your coach

Start your healing journey with an easy,Effective Online training

Life Coaching

Using your gifting’s in compassion and empathy to coach others, MWI equips you to become a spiritual life coach to bring individuals and couples into healing.

Couple’s Master Class

Bringing alignment and fulfillment inside your marriage as you take on the Couple’s Master Class.

Suzette the marriage warrior

Clergy Training

Developing an on-sight program in order to structure marriages inside your congregation. This opens doors to hold intensives inside the congregation as well as coaching individuals and couples inside your church.

Individual Course

Finding your purpose in your life God always intended, while recovering from past wounds.

Suzette the marriage warrior

Does it feel like something is missing in your marriage or your purpose in life?

Transform your Journey today

Suzette- The Marriage Warrior

“Finding your purpose requires locating internal desires and talents God placed within you that makes you original and set apart from others. Once those are located, they need to be activated through a plan of action. This journey will create the personal fulfillment of purpose within your individuality and your marriage.”


The Marriage Warrior Institute was pioneered by Suzette - The Marriage Warrior; trained in marriage and family counseling, and founder/CEO of Couples Care Center and The Marriage Warrior Institute.

This self-help program incorporates the methodology that Suzette utilized in her private practice, Couples Care Center, that enriched couples with deeper enlightenment needed for success.

MWI equips those who are gifted to coach others in their “Scripted Journey.”

Suzette, The Marriage Warrior, has had decades of success in assisting clients in crisis. Healing a crisis to full restoration can be time consuming and costly, ranging from $8,000-$40,000. For those who are willing to do “the work”, Suzette created MWI as a platform to provide others with the secret tools and methods Suzette uses in her private practice, at a fraction of the cost.

Statement of Faith:

A believer and follower of Christ, who illuminates the Scripture in practical ways of principles to live by. We are all created by one single God; “Made in His image and His likeness”. Therefore, the spiritual coding, within us all is the same, no matter our religious experiences. Ultimately, when we’re able to decode and rescript the negative events in our life that projected us away from our core, we will be able to recenter ourselves in the way God originated for us to operate.

Suzette, The Marriage Warrior


Marriage Warrior Institute

This program has been an effective, tried and true change agent for individual and couples inner healing. It is a direct approach that crosses all denominational barriers and utilizes Scripture to understand the practical mechanics of interpersonal and relational operating systems.

These powerful methods advance spirituality, and provides insights that emotionally heals individuals and relationships. Regulating relationship dynamics is easier as individuals become aware of “self” operating systems, destructive patterns, coping mechanisms and inner-wounds.

Couples are empowered with keen awareness as MWI provides educational videos, tools and interactive exercises that demonstrate the mechanical functionality of relationship dynamics to realign the couple with the ability to thrive, rather than just survive. Training curriculums and certifications are offered for “Life Coaches” who study these systems and gain training to equip others towards healthier “self “ and relationships.


Start Your Educational Trainings


Course Work

Curriculum for Aspiring Spiritual Life Coaches

Curriculum for Couple Reconstruction

Marital Structure with Tools

Curriculum for Individual Growth

Curriculum for religious and business organizations to expand services by establishing an on-site “Wellness Care Center” within the infrastructure.


Begin your journey and learn more as you watch and attend educational presentations.

“Marriage is tough for most people and we all benefit in having more understanding on how to effectively relate to one another. “

What makes MWI courses different from every other online course?

The testimonials below reveal not only couple recovery, but a 97% rate of success for total restoration.


Christian Couples Course

Is this right for me?

  • Do you have a desire for your romantic relationship to function in the fullness God intended?

  • Would you like to know how to make your relationship thrive, rather than just survive?

  • Are you an aspiring life coach needing knowledge and ability to enrich those who seek your guidance?

  • Are you a clergy leader who has a passion to bring growth to individuals and couples that time does not allow?

  • Are you a business leader who aspires to enhance business relationships by offering self-growth training opportunities to upper management teams?



What if I do this program and my relationship still fails?

Relationships require two partner’s willingness to grow together. One person cannot control another’s will. Because life has seasons for certain relationships within our journey, even a lost relationship teaches us about self. Therefore, self growth is eminent no matter the relational outcome.

How does this program relate to my faith?

No matter the religious background, we are all created by one single God; “made in His image and His likeness”. Therefore, the spiritual coding, within us all is the same, no matter our religious experiences. Ultimately, when we’re able to decode and rescript the negative events in our life that projected us away from our core, we will be able to recenter ourselves in the way God originated for us to operate.


What separates this program?

Rather than psychological labels, such as addiction, codependency, trauma, depression, anxiety, etc., this program educates participants in understanding how surface issues mechanically operate, within the internal structure of individuals, as well as relationship dynamics.

Can I do this without my partner?

Knowing and healing “self” is part of the spiritual growth process required in human experience. However, because God uses relationships as a reflection tool of self, the couple participation produces favorable results.

In Mathew 13:24-43, Jesus teaches the parable about the wheat and the tares. He speaks to servants eager to pull out the weeds in order to root out the wheat in the end time harvest.


 questions before getting started?


If you are interested in listening to Suzette - The Marriage Warriors worship albums, please click the links below:

Beyond the Veil

Rain Heaven Reign

Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, Youtube, Miscrosoft Groove, Saavn, Media Net all support Suzette’s music.